USA (310) 916-9906 mincor Mexico 52-415-152-0806
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Mincor has over 18 years of experience as a translation company and two strategic office locations in Miami and Mexico. Our team of translators has provided translation and interpretation solutions to over 50 leading companies.

Technical Experience

One of our founders is an Electrical Engineering graduate from the University of Florida with 10 years of experience in the manufacture of industrial weighing systems and controls, plus 10 more years of experience in managing a web of distributors of computerized industrial control systems, plus 8 years of experience translating documents for GE, Mettler Toledo, Pfizer, John Deere, Textron, Mercedes Benz, Samsung, and many more. Visit our Technical Documents Page for more information.

Business Experience

One of our founders also has 10 years of experience working in a USA Corporate environment, providing knowledge for translating contracts, business memos, brochures, business letters, agreements, and many other types of business communications documents. Visit our Business Documents Page for more information.

Book Translation Experience

Our Company President has translated more than 35 books of spiritual, self-help, healing, and social content, which places Mincor ahead of any book translator in the business. Our books are translated, edited, and proofread by at least three professionals of the target language. Visit our Book Translations Page for more information.

Here is what some of our customers say about us:

"In times like these when you need a translation service to be done quickly, efficiently, and with utmost quality, I always turn to Mincor, Inc. It is frightening when you receive a document in another language that you need to give to your most important customers and you do not know how well it was translated. With Mincor, I simply do not have that fear."

Alberto Villegas
Mettler Toledo Latin America
Miami, Florida

"In the advertising business it is of most importance how a message is conveyed. In my experience with Mincor, I have learned to trust their copywriting knowledge to deliver a powerful message in a target language other than my own. I feel they are a part of my team. Thank you Mincor!"

Oscar Gomezese
Impiric - Young & rubicam
Miami, Florida

"Hi again,
I didn't have time this morning to tell you that you did a beautiful job and I can tell you put a lot of care into the translation.
Thanks again!"

Jill Kramer
Hay House Publishing
Carlsbad, California

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